University of California, Berkeley
My research interests are in the systematics, evolution, and ecology of bryophytes, as well as in the phylogeny of green plants. I am also interested in more general topics involving the theoretical basis of systematic and evolutionary biology, such as phylogenetic methods and the nature of species. I have been heavily involved in developing electronic resources to present plant taxonomic and distributional information to the public, and applications of these data to conservation concerns through the development of new “spatial phylogenetic” tools for studying biodiversity and endemism using large-scale phylogenies and collection data in a geographic and statistical framework. Current projects include: (1) spatial phylogenetic studies of the floras of Australia, California, Chile, Florida, and Europe; and (2) integrated systematic, evolutionary, and ecological studies of the diverse dryland moss genus Syntrichia, specifically focused on desiccation tolerance and reproductive biology.
Personal webpage (including publications)
Research Associate
Sonia Nosratinia
Graduate students working on the 3D Moss Project