Several 3D Moss researchers met up to present their work and discuss our collaborative projects in-person at the 2019 Botany conference in Tucson, Arizona.
Here are some snapshots of the event!
Project presentations:
PI Matt Bowker
Mishler Lab grad student Javi
Bowker Lab grad student Cristina
Coe Lab undergraduate student Niko
Fisher Lab grad student Ugbad
Coe Lab grad student Quinn
Fisher Lab grad student Simone
Stark Lab grad student Sotodeh
PI Kirsten Fisher, PI Mel Oliver, Dr. Anita Antoninka, PI Brent Mishler, and Stark Lab Graduate Student Sotodeh Ebrahimi at the Mishler Lab poster
PI Brent Mishler
Beautiful scenery:
Interesting wildlife:
Productive meetings:
A good time was had by all!