Northern Arizona University (NAU) and University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) 3D Mossers led a full day education & outreach workshop at the 15th Biennial Conference of Science & Management on the Colorado Plateau & Southwest Region at NAU.
Check out the photo album for a taste of workshop activities! Theresa Clark of Llo Stark’s lab at UNLV led a biocrust organism microscope session. Cristina Rengifo of Matt Bowker’s lab at NAU demonstrated seed retention by mossy crusts with a hair dryer. Anita Antoninka, also of NAU, highlighted a learning activity about climate change that she developed with a 6th grade teacher. And finally, Matt Bowker gave a Biocrust 101 lecture and a module titled ‘Holding the Place in Place’ where he demonstrated how to make a low tech experiment on the role of biocrusts in erosion resistance using a Herrick’s soil aggregate stability kit. Many workshop participants were from the Sonoran McDowell preserve, a city funded nature reserve near Phoenix and all participated enthusiastically and seemed to enjoy the workshop!